Acacia Quilt Guild
Jelly Roll Quilt Race 2022
Race to start on August 4, 2022, at the General Meeting
Ehler's Event Center
8150 Knott Avenue, Buena Park, CA 90620
6:15 pm setup, 6:45 pm meeting start
Official Rules and Contest Guidelines
1. Prizes will be awarded to the fastest teams.
2. Grand prize will be awarded in September for the viewers’ favorite finished quilt.
All quilts will be donated to Acacia for Philanthropy.
- Quilt tops not donated will not be eligible for backing or batting or finished quilt awards.
- Sign up a team of 3 members on the Acacia website by July 27th. Please include a name for your team.
To make the Jelly Roll Quilt you need:
- One Jelly Roll (40 strips of fabric that measure 2.5” X 41-45”) to be provided by Acacia, or you can use your own. The strips should be sewn together end to end prior to the August meeting.
- An additional accent piece (square, rectangle, triangle, or parallelogram), not exceeding 6”, may be sewn to each strip. You could also sew all strips (or part of them) at 45-degree angles. Think about the final, finished quilt.
- Matching or neutral thread. You need two full bobbins.
- Full-size scissors and small scissors.
- Two sewing machines are suggested in case one has a problem during the contest. Bring machine accessories.
- Batting and backing for quilts will be available at end of the meeting.
- With all strips sewn together end to end, cut 17” to 20” off the last piece and discard.
- Fold the strip in half, right sides together. Sew strips together the whole length, with a ¼” seam, from the free ends down to the fold. You will end with a strip 4 1/2” wide. Your stitch length should not be longer than 2.5.
- Cut open when the folded end of your strip is reached.
- Fold the now two-strip-wide ends right sides together and stitch together again, from the free ends down to the fold.
- Cut end open again.
- Continue to fold, sew, and cut until it has the shape of a quilt. Cut the last row open, then check for any missed seams or gaps. Seams must be repaired before quilt is considered finished.
- The Jelly Roll Quilts will measure approximately 50" X 64” or larger if accent pieces were added.
Completing the quilts:
To be eligible for additional prizes, the completed quilt must be ready for judging at the September 1st meeting. Applique and borders may be added, or the quilt may be cut and rejoined. The quilt must have batting, backing, binding, and be quilted and labeled on the back with the guild and team members’ names. Quilts may be quilted by a team member or finished with longarm quilting.
Acacia Quilt Guild of Orange County
P. O. Box 6853
Buena Park, CA 90622
For website issues, contact our Webster.
© 2021 Acacia Quilt Guild of Orange County
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